Tips in Buying Your Eco-Friendly Yoga Mat
In order for you to do your yoga properly, you need to have the right yoga mat. Today, there are various yoga mats in the market but the type that is in trend is the eco-friendly mats. Since there are many options, what kinds of eco-friendly mats are best for your yoga?
To help you choose the right kind, refer to these essential tips below.
- Non-PVC
The environmentally friendly yoga mats do not have polyvinyl chloride or PVC. Read more about this in the site at But what's with the PVC? PVC has high chlorine as well as additives in it. These contents might trigger various health serious health problems such as cancer, birth defects, immune system problems, reproductive system problems, impaired child development, endometriosis, endoctrine disruption, and neurological damage. This would mean that yoga mats that includes PVC content is probably not a good choice. Eco-friendly yoga mats are surely safe to use.
- Smell
You will find many of the eco-friendly mats to have strong smell. The smell can get off once you place it under the sun or you seasoned it. So, if you do not like strong smell, then you better make this one of your criteria when choosing your yoga mat.
- The Allergy
You will find the eco-friendly mats to be made out of plant fiber, natural rubber, and alternative plastics. However, there are few people that are allergic to natural rubbers. So if you are one of these people, then yoga mats that are made out of natural rubber is not the perfect one for you.
- The Performance
When you choose an eco-friendly yoga mat for you, make sure to choose the one that has medium hardness, thickness, and neither slippery nor sticky. These qualities of a yoga mat is perfect when you do you regular yoga practice.
- It Should be Durable
You can never expect eco-friendly mats to be as durable as the rubber yoga mats and plastic yoga mats. This is because the Best Yoga Mats are made from the natural materials. The conventional mats are usually made from industrial strength plastics that helps them to last longer.
- The Cost
The prices of the eco-friendly mats are much higher than what the normal mats do, but it has already decreased because of the proliferation of them. So, you need to check first the prices of the eco-friendly mats before you shop. It is very important for you to know the money that you are willing to spend for the mats that you are going to buy. Once you have the budget, you will be able to choose the right type of eco-friendly mats that you should buy.
These tips are very essential when shopping for an eco-friendly yoga mats. Remember that yoga mats are intended to give you comfort while doing your yoga practice. You can click here to learn more additional information on yoga mats.